
mother hugging child

Hi, my name is Kelly Reeves and I’m passionate about photography. I love babies, I have had five of my own, and I know how fleeting those new precious moments are. How quickly they change in those first few weeks and months, and how it passes in a haze for most new parents. Before you know it they no longer have that wrinkly skin, those tiny little eyelashes, those wispy tufts of baby fine hair and those teeny tiny fingers and toes. That is what I try to capture, those little details that it’s easy to forget as time passes by and your little person grows bigger.

I aim to provide quality images at prices to suit all budgets, because although you can’t put a price on your memories, everyone has a budget.

Safety is at the forefront of my mind at every session. I will never attempt a pose that would be unsafe for your baby, and will always have someone close by to “spot”, be it my assistant, or Mum or Dad. Some images can only be achieved in the very early weeks, and with a very sleepy baby. But I will always try my best to capture a variety of images for you of your precious new arrival.


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